Tuesday 9 August 2011

Anti protest chutney making

Like most people I was disgusted, appalled, saddened and above all embarrassed (for our beautiful country) by the riots that have been happening through out the UK this week Moreover I was saddened to hear some facebook friends announce that even though they don’t 'condone' the violence shown by the so called rioters - that they felt the sequence of events were a litmus test for the way the general public feel towards the government, recent public spending cuts and general austere times. Not wishing to get all political....but what a load of tosh!

So feeling depressed about the whole situation I thought id cheer myself up by making my annual batch of courgette chutney! A very middle class alternative to rioting, but for me possibly just as effective as what those little scum bags are trying to achieve.

I picked up and adapted this recipe some years ago and I have had a lot of success with it ever since, including a 1st prize award at a local village flower show...so very proud of myself! Basically its a general concoction of courgettes, tomatoes, onions, chillies, ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper, seasoning, dark brown sugar and of course vinegar… all simmered and melded together for about two hours.

Although it may put some people off, the general acrid smell of boiling vinegar and sugar filled the house with an air of home comfort and a pungent smell of satisfaction! Perhaps if some of those mindless kids would learn to make their own chutney we wouldn’t be in this mess.....viva la chutney revolution!

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